Any email transmitted by any employee, contractor or officer of 36ONE Asset Management (Pty) Ltd ("36ONE") or which is transmitted on behalf of 36ONE is transmitted on the following terms and conditions.
Email correspondence contains confidential information, which is only for the use of the intended recipient. Any interception, copying or disclosure of any email by any person other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited. If you have received an email from 36ONE in error, please notify immediately and delete the email thereafter.
36ONE reserves the right, subject to applicable law, to retain and monitor all electronic communications.
While 36ONE is authorised as a financial services provider under the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002, nothing contained in emails transmitted on behalf of 36ONE shall (unless expressly indicated otherwise) constitute legal, financial, tax or any other type of advice.
Any material included in any email transmitted by 36ONE is for information purposes only and (unless specifically indicated otherwise) does not amount to an invitation to invest, an offer or any solicitation of investment in any fund or collective investment scheme. Nothing contained in any email transmitted by 36ONE shall constitute an advertisement under Board Notice 92 of 2014 (Advertising, Marketing and Information Disclosure Requirements of Collective Investment Schemes) published under the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 2002 or be deemed to be a solicitation for investment.
Notwithstanding the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 (“ECTA”), this email does not constitute a binding agreement, unless the terms of agreement have been recorded in a duly executed document, which has been signed by the parties. Notwithstanding ECTA, “signed” shall mean a signature executed by hand on paper containing the document or by affixing an advanced electronic signature, as defined in the ECTA.
Neither 36ONE nor its officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any direct or indirect loss howsoever suffered or incurred, arising from an email transmitted subject to these terms and conditions and/or from the accessing of any attachments, including but not necessarily limited to loss or damage/s caused by any type of malicious software.